Smoke, dust, pet dander, and pollen make breathing tough. Asthma and allergy sufferers can now create a refuge of pure air inside their homes and offices with these HEPA purifiers from Honeywell. Let’s look at them both to see which one will be the best for you.
Honeywell 50150-N Pure HEPA Round Air Purifier, 225 sq. ft.

The Honeywell 50150-N cleans the air in rooms up to 225 square feet in size, or 15 by 15 feet. It’s a true HEPA air purifier because it removes 99.4% of all the bacteria and germs and 99.97% of all airborne particles down to 0.3 microns in size. It gets rid of almost 100% of the pet dander, mold spores, pollen, and smoke it encounters. It’s perfect for those with severe allergies as well as anyone who wants to breathe pure air.
The glass fiber HEPA filter cartridge inside will last up to three to five years before it needs to be replaced. It’s easy to maintain—use any vacuum to suction off particle deposits and put it back to work. The carbon pre-filter included in the box reduces smells and odors.It lasts about three months. The 50150-N notifies you when it’s time to replace the filters so you don’t need to constantly check them. This air purifier does not use ionization to clean the air, only the filters.
The round design of this purifier is ideal for quick air replacement. Choose one of three power settings to circulate air slower or faster. It takes in and sends out air from every side so you can place it anywhere in your room. It works so well that the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) certified it for rooms up to 235 square feet, even larger than Honeywell’s specifications.
More features of the Honeywell 50150-N HEPA Air Purifier:
- Honeywell offers a 5-year warranty
- No remote control—the purifier settings are easy to change with the switches on top of the unit
- Carrying handle on the top
Honeywell 50250-S True HEPA Air Purifier, 390 sq. ft.

If you look at the Honeywell 50250-S and compare it to the 50150-N we just reviewed above, it seems very similar. While this one is a little larger and heavier, the main difference is in the purifiers’ power. The 50250-S is certified for use in larger rooms measuring up to 390 square feet. But if this purifier is battling tobacco smoke or pollen, the actual rating is for 250 square feet. That makes the 50250-S more powerful than the 50150-N. It can clean and circulate pure air up to 5 times an hour in a room measuring up to 20 by 20 feet.
But what if you have a small room? Isn’t this overkill? Not at all! You can place the 50250-S on its lowest, whisper-quiet setting and let it purify the air up to 23 times an hour! This is a great product for those who live with a smoker in the home or allergy sufferers who don’t want to get rid of a beloved pet.
Like the 50150-N, this air purifier is also true HEPA. It removes up to 99.97% of pollutants down to 0.3 microns in size. You can suction off and clean the filter cartridge with a vacuum to keep using it for up to 5 years before it needs to be replaced. The carbon pre-filter needs to be replaced about every three months, but it reduces odors that can also irritate allergies. The 50250-S air purifier will warn you when it’s time to change the filters so you don’t need to constantly check them.
The Honeywell 50250-S doesn’t use ionization to clean the air. It works with just the carbon pre-filter, the glass fiber HEPA cartridge filter, and the fan motor inside. It can run all day and night to keep the air pure for you.
More features of the Honeywell 50250-S HEPA Air Purifier:
- Honeywell offers a 5-year warranty
- No remote control—the purifier settings are easy to change with the switches on top of the unit
- Carrying handle on the top
If you want to clean the air in a room measuring 225 square feet or less, the Honeywell 50150-N is powerful enough for you.
If you have a larger room up to 20 by 20 feet, consider getting the 50250-S Honeywell air purifier.
Click here to purchase Honeywell 50150-N on!
Click here to purchase Honeywell 50250-S on!